Thursday, May 30, 2019

Day 13... Cruising the St. Lawrence

In reverse order,  you'll see approaching,  entering and departing one of the 7 locks enjoyed during today's westward journey.

The Thousand Islands...1 of the 1864 islands... to be counted as an official island, you needed 1 square foot of above water land and at least 2 trees. 

CEO of Singer Sewing...a little cottage. 

Why not a personal lighthouse? 

Arriving in Clayton,  NY...

Our waiter,  Peter,  was the main attraction during the staff sing. 

A beautiful sunset over Canada. 

Then the fun began... open mic night... where Peggy slayed the crowd lip synching to Annie Lennox. 

Crowd loved her performance,  which was spot on!  I failed to video the performance and the standing O.
Then my phone was completely out of power,  so I didn't capture even a photo of my dad offering his 4 stanza poem about the 4 seasons...

The seeds were sown,
the grass was grown,
the leaves were blown,
the snow had snown...

The crowd loved it!

Then I gave my only joke...
So an Irish guy walks out of a bar...

Others danced a hula,  played a mandolin, told politically incorrect jokes, sang a few out of key oldies..
But in my humble opinion,  the crowd really enjoyed all 3 of the Gubitz team! 

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